Users, Groups, and Permissions

Discord roles that are mapped to server groups:

  • Minecraft Admin -> group.administrators
  • Minecraft Moderator -> group.moderators
  • Minecraft Player -> group.players

The server is set up with two tracks for users:

  • Admin
    • group.moderators
      • Can /kick, /ban, /mute, most commands relating to regulating other players
      • Moderators are also able to view the world edit history via /coreprotect inspect, however they cannot initiate restores and rollbacks.
    • group.editors
      • All the powers of moderators, plus the ability to use /coreprotect restore
      • Update and re-render the map via /dynmap
      • Includes WorldEdit
      • Use /news to edit the server news that players see on login
    • group.multiverse-editors
      • All of the above, plus the very dangerous /mv commands.
      • You could potentially delete an entire world.
    • group.administrators
      • All of the above, plus much more.
      • Use the /giveop and /takeop commands instead of /op and /deop to bypass all permissions.
    • group.op
      • Gives you every permission.
      • All of them.
      • You are a god.
  • Membership
    • group.default
      • A visitor from a distant land with limited powers
      • The default group for anyone who hasn't played on the server before, or if they have no other groups set.
      • Can't break blocks, can't place things
      • Can interact with shops, /pay, /balance, basic economy functions, but not much else.
    • group.players
      • How Malloc is meant to be played.
      • Allows building, block breaking, towny, tpa, /pay, shops, you name it.

To promote a player along a track, use /lp user <name> track promote <track name>. You'll generally only want to be using the membership track.

Outside of those two tracks, the other important groups are:

  • The 'towny-' groups map to the same roles in Towny.
  • Groups that start with 'can-' are roles meant to be included as part of other groups, and never directly assigned to a player.
  • cannot-burn is a special high-priority group that disables the ability to place lava, water, or use a flint+steel. Included as part of group.default, but can be given out in other circumstances when appropriate.
  • discord-linked is given to players who have linked their account via /discord link
  • blacklisted is a group that is denied all permissions. A second line of defense against a banned player should someone somehow gain access to another role or group.